Over the past five months, I have been through quite the bodily ordeal. I had toyed with the idea of talking about it here, but I never saw a good reason to, until now. After all this, I have found a solution and I think everyone needs to hear this so they don’t run into the same problem. And as much as this is about vaginas, this is also for men who like vaginas. Because when a vagina is in pain, everyone suffers.
In the past five months I have had four urinary tract infections. If you have never had a urinary tract infection, try to keep it that way. It starts with having to pee more than often; next comes the gasp-inducing pain accompanied by fiery pee. Then it reaches a point where all you think about it peeing. It burns all the time, when you’re peeing, when you’re watching TV, when you’re driving. All you think about is finding a bathroom NOW. It is urinary hell.
On top of that, all of this trouble also gave me a yeast infection and sex that was almost as painful as the UTIs themselves. I took pills, peed in cups, and had my urine turn orange from medication. Needless to say, I was cranky, medicated, horny, and in a lot of pain. And I still had no answers.
Until today. I was in FAS 332/SOC 394, also known as Human Sexuality, also known as something all college kids should take because movies and frat parties teach us nothing.
Dr. Christopher was discussing spermacides, most of which contain nonoxynol-9 as their active ingredient. Research has shown that not only does nonoxynol-9 not aid in preventing pregnancy, it has shown to increase the chances of contracting HIV and other STIs. What caught my attention was when he explained that this ingredient causes microscopic vaginal tears that make all kinds of infections more likely.
DING! A light bulb went off in my head. That sentence seemed to describe my pain, and had potential for explaining my bacterial battle. After months of medicines and incompetent doctors and pain, I felt like I might have a glimmer of hope. As soon as class was over, I called my boyfriend and demanded to know the main ingredient in our spermicidal-lubricated condoms. Want to take a guess? Yeah that’s right.
I ran home and did some more research and found that frequent UTIs have been connected with nonoxyl-9, that it creates a breeding ground for the bacteria that causes the infection.
This is research that is relatively new, so it’s not surprising that none of my resources (women, doctors, physician’s assistants, the internet) picked up on this. But I am thoroughly enthused that I have found an answer. Nearly all spermacides contain nonoxyl-9, so even though it’s a good preventative measure, your vagina will thank you more so if you skip the sperm genocide.
— Nikki Todorow
I took 2 sex classes at ASU (the family studies one and the psychology one) and learned the same thing you did. I haven't used spermicide since.
when i had UTIs i couldn't pee for the death of me even though i would sell my soul to do so... damn you for peeing to much.
oh, and i won't be using spermacide laced condoms any more thaaaank you.
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