I’m not in grade school anymore, but there are still a lot of kids who are and someday some of them might be mine. Abstinence only versus sexual education, which curriculum should students learn? Should this subject even be approached?
The first thing I consider is what I learned from my parents. My mom and I were putting up wallpaper when I was 13; my mom dipped a brush into the wallpaper glue and said “This looks like jizzum. Do you know what jizzum is?” Beyond that, I learned the anatomy and basic reproduction from school, and anything else I know about sex from magazines, movies, and my friends. So what does this tell us? That parents are not interested in explaining these things to their kids. And who can blame them? It’s awkward, adults don’t know what to say, they probably don’t have a bounty of information anyway. So, my vote is to leave it up to trained professionals. Schools are there to teach, let them take care of this.
Point-counterpoint: those who advocate abstinence argue that teens having sex has lead to an increase in teen pregnancies and STI’s. We need to encourage kids to not have sex until they are married and the incidences of these will lower significantly. The other side says kids are having sex even if we tell them not to, so we should encourage them to make responsible, informed choices and have all the information necessary to do so. The also say that this list of options should include abstinence as a choice.
My thoughts: This is a quote from the abstinence side, “Schools teach 'no smoking' and 'no drinking.' They don't say 'if you smoke, use a filter' or 'if you drink and drive, wear your safety belt.' Why should sex be treated differently?" Um because the last time I checked, putting a condom-covered penis in my vagina didn’t destroy my lungs or crash my car (although at one point it did almost kill my vagina). That’s not to say that there aren’t risks to having sex, married or not. But kids need to be aware. To hold back information from kids that could save their lives is irresponsible.
But really, I think the idea here is that parents should have three options to choose from: 1) abstinence only, provided by the school 2) sexual education including all forms of birth control provided by the school, or 3) whatever they want to tell their kids about birds and gardens or whatever goofy ass story they can cook up.
— Nikki Todorow
I remember when I was about 12 or 13 and my mom and I were driving somewhere and at a red light she turned the radio off and said to me. "Sex. It makes babies. Do you have any question?" I replied with a weirded out, "Um....no." After that she told me she wasn't ready to be a grandmother, to always treat women with respect, and to be safe. It was rather awkward at the time, but I'm sure she ment well. We have a very open relationship now.
I agree with you that parent's need to step up and tackle this issue head on. I also believe that abstinence is obviously the safest and most effective way to guard one's self against STI's and unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, it should be encouraged. However, I think it is also worth mentioning that STD's are common and if you ever become infected you won't be forced to wear a "scarlet letter". The issue is complex and I think the fact that most kids probably learn sex from the media is scary. Therefore, I am not so sure if handing out condoms to teenagers is the best way to deal with this issue. By increasing a person's perception of sexual empowerment you may make the situation worse. Sometimes the best intended measures have unintended consequences.
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