Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Turn your lady hole into a Slip'n'Slide

So far in my blogging history, I have stuck to some pretty basic subjects. Given, this is a sex blog, so these little thoughts can be found taboo; but I think today I may have found a topic to blow my other writings out of the sexy water.

I’m writing this for women and their men who are wildly confused, and are too embarrassed to ask (because I’ve already answered these questions for several different people). The female orgasm is a much coveted goal, and discussed at great length, considering it’s a holy grail for some. But there is an ignored side to such bliss: female ejaculation. Some don’t know that it exists; others wish they didn’t know. Some men know all about it because every night they sit down with their porn collection, their tissues and lotion and watch their chosen “squirter” of the night (crass, I know).

If you know it exists, you probably don’t know much more about it. Learning some basic information might help. Not surprisingly, researchers are still somewhat mystified by female ejaculation. But they do know some things for sure.

For starters, not all women have the ability to excrete fluid. For those who do, it’s usually because your lover has found your G-spot and happens to be good friends with it. There are some rare women who will ejaculate from clitoral stimulation.

Some misinformed people will try to tell you that a woman simply loses control of her bladder and has effectively peed all over her lover. If you meet one of these people, feel sorry for them, for they know not the beauty of a woman. No, but seriously, its not pee.

It is a clear, harmless, alkaline fluid that doctors think originate from the Skene’s gland. This gland is the equivalent to the prostate, which explains why it might create ejaculate. The Skene’s glands are so small that, in some women, they are not visible; which might explain why some women don’t ejaculate.

There is some conflicting research concerning where the fluid actually comes from; the urethra or the vagina (yes, there is a difference and if you didn’t know that much, you may want to back up and learn you’re your female geography). Today’s school of thought leans toward the urethra. In the end, it really doesn’t matter because if that fluid wants out, it’s coming out, from wherever it pleases.

The key part of this issue is to remember that women are usually slightly embarrassed about discussing their gushing vag. It’s always important to have good communication with the person who’s turning your lady hole into a Slip’n’Slide, so whether you’re the squirter or and the receiver, be respectful, be open, and don’t be ashamed. It’s natural and normal, and there are some folks who would give anything to see this.

I’ve only told you the basics. The internet has much more to offer and I encourage you to do some research. Here’s a tip, though: unless you are looking for porn, don’t Google “female squirters”; try “female ejaculation”.

— Nikki Todorow


baller_1324 said...

ill give this one a golf clap simply because it hasnt been covered. i think this topic is a little too broad, sort of similar to explaining how some women can orgasm by simply having their nipples played with. but unless you can describe characteristics of women prone to ejaculation, this doesnt make me want to read more than once.

Panada said...

Oh baller_1324. I give a golf clap to your balls.

Anonymous said...

Nikki, you didn't share your personal experience in this area with us. Do you or do you not?

tinymorgan said...


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